Chlorine Dioxide - Why All The Interest?
This impressive compound, more commonly known as MMS or the Miracle Mineral Supplement, has been around now for close to a decade, and was discovered perhaps 6 decades ago - & has been used ever since as a water purification product..
Why is Chlorine Dioxide so Potent?...
This potent little molecule has long been used in the water purification industry for making municipal water safe to consume. This compound has the unique ability to break down the protective biofilm on the surface of pathogenic stressors - besically causing them to collapse (implode)...
What Else was discovered?
Upon further testing, it became evident that the active MMS compound chlorine dioxide has many unique chemical qualities that ordinary chlorine did not. The more electrons that a compound can either donate / receive has enormous implications on its ability to perform at a molecular level. For example, a free radical is a problem as it is inherently an unstable molecule - ONLY being neutralised when finding the extra electrons to balance it. EACH & every time a free radical strips electrons from other stable molecules damage will be done - setting up a whole cascade of knock on reactions (most of them being negative)!.
As time went on, it become evident that the active compound chlorine dioxide was lethal to most water borne pathogens - hence its wide spread adoption as a water sanitizer in municipal water supplies.

As it stands, the chlorine dioxide molecule has proven itself amazingly versatile across a wide range of applications - proving deadly to most pathogens known to exist....
Click BELOW to Secure your MMS Chlorine Dioxide based Product Now...