chlorine dioxide
Almost everyone in the health community is aware as to what
MMS is, though many are still wary of it. The biggest concern is the inclusion of chlorine dioxide, the active
ingredient in MMS. When people hear the word 'chlorine', they are
hesitant simply because chlorine serves to act as a poison in most other cases. Take note however that
chlorine is not the same as chlorine dioxide.
dioxide is a synthetically produced gas. Typically it will smell like chlorine, and it will have a
greenish yellow tint. Oftentimes chlorine dioxide is used as industrial bleach, but these days finding it in MMS is
actually a good thing. That being said, let's talk a bit about what chlorine dioxide does and how it can help you
out .
The first thing you need to know is that chlorine dioxide
can easily be used to purify an area water supply. That is to say that contaminated water can easily become
portable under the right conditions. The substance will simply remove all of the pathogens and other unwanted
materials from the body in their entirety without harming the body itself.
The creator of MMS has stated several times that this can
help to cure some of the most common afflictions such as cancer or even STD's. It should be noted however
that no matter how effective this solution is, there is still room for error, and you should always use it
alongside other purification methods.
Many who have used it report feeling extremely sick after a
certain number of MMS doses, though it is maintained that this is a direct side effect of the cleansing. As the
body flushes out some of its toxins, it has a bit of trouble adapting at first which means you will need to cut
back. This doesn't meant to give up of course, not by any means, but it does mean that you will need to back off
and make sure you have the right dosage. Doing so will benefit you and once you start to feel better, you'll
understand just why you put so much work into your MMS routine.
Without chlorine dioxide none of this would be
possible. That fateful day in 1814 when Sir Humphry Davy mixed sulphuric acid with potassium chlorate and created a
material that would be used in many industries for years to come. It would be used to bleach wood, strengthen paper
fibers, and sterilize patients before surgery.
As you can see, this is a great supplement that will help
many people regardless of their condition. You may very well become one of the individuals affected by MMS and
chlorine dioxide, and if you feel you need it, then now would be a great time tos tart looking!